My Homeschool and Household Planner

I have had several people recently ask me about my planners and how I use them. Since I have been considering starting a blog for some time now I decided to go ahead and make my first few posts about them 🙂 I will include a list of links for all the printables at the end of the post for you.

I am currently using 3 planners. I know that seems like a lot but once you see how they are set up and how they work together it will make more sense why I do this.

My planners :) Can ya guess my favorite color?
My planners 🙂 Can ya guess my favorite color?

The planner I will focus on for this post is my largest planner and I use this one as my homeschool and household planner. This one stays in my house and on my desk about 95% of the time.

In the pocket of the cover I keep stickers, coupons and other things that may motivate my kids. Sometimes it holds odd papers I have not had the cjance to put away yet.

That sticky note is there for me to glance at and briefly think about how much time is left in the school year. Then freak out about how much is left to do and how little time is left :)
That sticky note is there for me to glance at and briefly think about how much time is left in the school year. Then freak out about how much is left to do and how little time is left 🙂

First thing in this planner are my pictures and emergency Dunkin Donuts card. This is for those days I need extra inspiration or motivation. Or maybe I just need to console myself with an iced coffee 🙂


My first section is for homeschool planning. It’s first since it’s the most used section. Hopefully. It is opened everyday when we are having a good week. Don’t let me get started on what happens when there is a bad week.

Doesn't that divider just make you feel like getting some homeschool done?
Doesn’t that divider just make you feel like getting some homeschool done?

I purchased this 3 year planner from DIY Fish. I absolutely love her stuff and use several of her inserts in my other planners. Right now I’m not using this one to it’s full potential but before school restarts in January I plan on having this filled in with some goals and important dates.



Next is a monthly calendar. I put important events for each day on it such as classes they take outside the home, appointments and events. I also mark down if there is no public school and I am babysitting that day because I shouldn’t plan on getting much schoolwork done then.

Anybody else tired just looking at this page?
Anybody else tired just looking at this page?

Next I have weekly planning pages for each kid.

20141222_123836235_iOSI know pages like this are set up with a block for each subject but that did not work for me so I’m trying something differently. The top box for each day I again write down anything that will take us outside of the home or will have an impact on that day’s schooling. On this page you will see that twice a week my son has karate and once a week he takes a couple of classes at a local co-op (marked GCA). The JM indicates that I am babysitting those days and need to get stuff done before public school lets out.

The next block is the top priority pieces of school work. If something comes up and we will not be able to get everything done I focus only on this block. This is my “get done or else” section 🙂 Language arts comes next followed by science and history.

My homeschool management section is next.

Some more school motivation :)
Some more school motivation 🙂

In this section I keep homeschool related lists, thoughts, and notes 🙂

Yeah, I love me some post-its :)
Yeah, I love me some post-its 🙂

My 3rd section is for finances.

This divider is not themed. Yet :0
This divider is not themed. Yet :0

Here I keep:

My money challenge page.
My money challenge page.
My bill checklist.
My bill checklist.
Another monthly calendar page were I log what I spend each day.
Another monthly calendar page were I log what I spend each day.
A picket to hold bills and receipts I need to keep for a short period of time.
A pocket to hold bills and receipts I need to keep for a short period of time.

My fourth section is

Household schedules :)
Household schedules 🙂

I keep my cleaning schedule

This is a new one for me to fill out since my old one is full of crossed out, erased and changes ideas.
This is a new one for me to fill out since my old one is full of crossed out, erased and changes ideas.

I also keep another monthly calendar to plan out meals and any papers related to activities my kids are involved with that I need to keep handy 🙂

I find that my planners tend to change as different aspects of my life require more or less structured planning. For right now this is what is working. Its not as fancy and decorated as one of my other planners because this is my “get it done, no distractions” planner.

finally, a list of links:)

-My monthly pages and the weekly homeschool planning pages can be found at Confessions of a Homeschooler. The one I use is $5 but she also has a free one titled “arrows”

-My 3 year planner is from DIYfish

-The savings challenge page is from NextGen MilSpouse

– The annual bill schedule is found at Organizing Home Life

-The cleaning schedule sheet came from DIY Home Sweet Home

Thanks for checking out my page 🙂 Please leave me a comment and come back for more posts!